
Don Cornet Tarpania Z

Don Cornet Tarpania Z is an offspring of Don Tarpania Z and our mare Olivera Tarpania (Cornet Obolensky x Grand Slam VDL). The dam Olivera Tarpania comes out of the well-known dam line of Dechide DN, which we had ourselves . We sold her and she entered the sport.

There is a lot of sport in this maternal line. We also bred the daughter Inchidee Tarpania and she’s now jumping at a 150cm level.

Don Tarpania Z is approved by Zangersheide and Oldenburg and is trained by the rider Lars Kuster. He is now competing at 135cm level and competed in the GMB and the stallion competition in 2022. Don immediately won the first match in the GMB competition in October 2022.  In the final at the GMB he finished 3rd.  At the stallion competition he jumped clear in all competitions and won a few prizes. In 2023 he competed at the World Championship for young horses at Lanaken.

This foal has a beautiful pedigree and we are very happy with him and expect a lot from him in the future.